Speaking of naked elf ladies, YU-NO – A Girl Who Chants Love At The Bound Of This World takes the 10th spot in this list of the best PC 98 games of all time! WARNING – The content in this article is not suitable for under 18s. If you’ve managed to get hold of one of these consoles and are looking to start a collection that covers all bases, then this list of the 15 best PC 98 games should kickstart your back catalogue with some ‘interesting’ titles. Whether that was due to the content or the quality of the sex-heavy storylines remains a mystery… The console cost ¥298,000 back in the 90s which is £1,953 in today’s money! That’s more than a MacBook Pro! It sold 18.3 million units which is pretty impressive considering the cost and garnered a pretty strong following for some of its games.
I guess it covers the best of both worlds and really does have something for everyone. On one hand it’s aimed at an adult audience who like mech warriors with a dollop of hentai on the side, and on the other it’s an RPG paradise with some epic strategic adventures that really engage the brain.
This console is one of the oddest I’ve ever encountered in my line of work. Naked elf girls, side scrollers with lesbian bondage, and a detective awoken from cryosleep it can only be a list of the best PC 98 games of all time.